
Cameroon has a national health strategic plan 2016-2020 (Plan National de Developpement Sanitaire 2016-2020) and its M&E plan: Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (IMEP) 2016-2020. In this context, the Cameroon HDC was launched in December 2016.
Cameroon has used the HDC approach to rationalize facility surveys and data quality reviews. The Ministry of Health conducted a joint SDI/SARA health facility survey with coordinated support from The Global Fund, World Bank Group and WHO. It also implemented the harmonized Data Quality Review toolkit (developed by WHO, The Global Fund, Gavi, MEASURE Evaluation and USAID) in seven districts in the Western Region of Cameroon (with support from GIZ and FP2020).
Key HIS/M&E documents developed by the country include: