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Tanzania Launches the Health Data Collaborative

13 September 2017

Tanzania Launches the Health Data Collaborative

The launch of the Tanzania HDC to establish One Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the Health Sector of the Government of Tanzania took place September 11-13 in Dar es Salaam, attended by 145 participants across the Ministry of Health (including M&E Unit, ICT Unit), the President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG), and partners including Kenya Ministry of Health, World Bank/GFF, CDC, USAID, BMGF, GIZ, Data for Health, DFID, DFADT Canada, DANIDA, Swiss Embassy, Irish Aid, WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDs, PATH, MSH and Jhpiego. The agenda focused on identifying country M&E priorities and aligning partners’ support behind these priorities:

  1. Addressing fragmentation of M&E and data systems:  A strong governance and coordination mechanism is required to ensure all stakeholders adhere to the One M&E Framework.
  2. Alignment of indicators and data collection processes: Align indicators of programme- specific strategic plans with the Health Sector Strategic Plan 2015-2020 (HSSP IV) and harmonise data collection efforts.
  1. Alignment of health facility assessments and surveys: These include SARA, SPA, SDI, and Star Rating Assessments (BRN+SafeCare).
  2. Joint and aligned investment in digital health information systems (including digitization to move away with paper systems): Integrate information systems at service provider level and collect standardized data elements.
  1. Strengthening capacity for analysis and use of data:  Increase access to and capacity for analysis and use at all levels and all key players.
  1. Dissemination and access: Improve access to national health information and data (routine data, surveys, research publications, reports).

Next steps include the following: 1) MOH will determine the optimal coordinating mechanism to take forward the agreed 6 national M&E priorities and 2) a mapping of partners’ current investments in HIS will be completed to support the development of the national Common Investment Framework.  

The communiqué, which articulates the M&E priorities and commitments to support One Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the Health Sector of the Government of Tanzania, is being reviewed by all stakeholders.

All related documents are available here.

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